Step 1: the Brain-Dump

write down everything on your mind at the moment. all the tasks you have to do, all the things you haven’t said out loud, all your conerns and worries. I like to use the prompt of ‘what’s making me feel like I’m being punched in the gut at the moment?’ to identify the really spicy ones:

Step 2: the To-Do List and the To-Deal List

divide everything from step 1 into two groups: a to-do list for everything that is a task that needs completing; and a to-deal list for everything that is an issue (eg I’m struggling at work/my relationship with my best friend).

To-Do List

To-Deal List

Step 3: Organising the To-Do List

this is the easy part: list the tasks To-Do List in order of importance (from most important to least important) and remove the items that you can get away with not doing just yet. now that we’re done with tasks, we can move on to our mind next.

To-Do List